Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Can WNY Realtors Do Better To Serve You?

 Being a Realtor and working with people every day I like to know what I CAN DO BETTER to serve my clients? sometimes I’m asking myself what I can do better but I think that I will  be asking the wrong person for I am not servicing myself so what better way to get answers than to ask the people of Buffalo and WNY who I am proudly serving how I can better serve them?
I am asking not only for myself but all Realtor if you haven’t worked with me I know many of you have had your own experience with a Realtor here and there so what got you annoyed or angry about the process or even better what made you happy you had that experience in buying or selling real estate.
Please be as honest as possible and don’t worry about stepping on toes let it rip because I know this is only going to make for better Realtor because we need to know what where doing wrong and right.
I’ll be the first to start with what drives me nuts about some Realtors!  When there not upfront with their clients, my experience taught me about Honesty Be upfront with potential home buyers: explain the selling costs and how long they need to live in the house to recoup their money, and how in many instances people really shouldn't buy.  Provide them accurate calculations to determine what they can really afford and recommend they don't spend the max on a house and be house poor. I can remember when I sold myself a house I had to be the worst client or the worst Realtor to myself because I didn’t follow any of my own rules such as get a home inspection. I thought I saw it all so therefore there was no need to get my home inspected but boy was I wrong see I didn’t notice the standing water in the basement and the huge down the line cost from a plumber. So the moral of this was! I could have been a better Realtor to myself and made it a requirement to get a home inspection but in turn I could have been a better client also.
Another thing about honesty, I hate when Realtor are less than truthful to the home seller about the price of their home just to get the listing. The Realtor knows that the home will sit on the market for God knows how long and in turn doing a disservice to their client. Oh I have one more I hate when Realtors doesn’t answer their phone that is one of my biggest pet peeve there are times when I have a client that wants to see a listing to” BUY IT” and I call the listing agent and no answer because the agent didn’t answer their phone which make me wonder how are they even in business and how do they help their seller when they don’t answer the phone for another agent who is bringing them a buyer for their listing isn’t that doing a disservice to their client?
Well I said what I had to say if you have anything you would like to add on this topic please leave comment at the bottom of the post and if you are looking for a Realtor who is willing to serve you to the fullest please feel free to contact me anytime.
Mark Key


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