Friday, June 17, 2011

What’s Most Important in Buying Your WNY home?

When it comes to buying your WNY home what is the order of importance? Lately I’ve been helping clients find out just that, some of my clients have been struggling over what order you should buy a home. Is the white picket fences, stone and brick front homes with lots of landscape the most important? Or is it location, price, property condition and then curb appeal.
Well while writing this I’m wondering should I even have this fight or do I really have to talk about this but clearly over the last weeks this is something of importance at least to my clients. If I had to put the buying process in order this is how I would do it but yet that’s me and my situation.
First I believe that when buying a new home spending just a small amount more could pay big dividends when it is time to sell which makes location, location, location very high on my list. The quality of the home and the architecture of the home is the property condition. Timeless curb appeal helps with lasting home values.
1.      Location, location,location
2.      Property conditions.
3.      Curb appeal
Now writing this showed me that on my list I broke it down to three steps and number one is the only thing that truly matters to me and it has to be my front runner location, location, and location.
Because what comes with location obviously all the rest will follow, as you can see that I didn’t mention how important schools were to me because likely in a great location there will be very high rated schools. If the home property condition isn’t the best I’m sure I can fix that as longs as the house is sitting where it should. Curb appeal can also be fixed.
In my opinion lowest price is not always your best option. You should look for quality, inside and out of the home and make sure to find a community that you love and do not settle for less.

I’m asking what your order of buying a home is. Please feel free to share your opinion.


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