This Blog is about Home sellers/buyers in the WNY/Buffalo New York Area getting answers to their real estate questions under no obligation of any kind. no high-pressure, just plain, honest talk about what it’s going to take to achieve your personal selling and buying goals. Feel free to Contact 716-603-8649
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Are you allowing fear to stop you from Buying your WNY Home?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Should I Stage My WNY Home?
Should I Stage My WNY Home?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Why Nobody Bought Your WNY House -- And What To Do About It?
Your first step should be to hire a competent agent who gives you honest information and advice on price, condition and market time, not an agent who asks you what price you want or need and says "sign here."
To be competitive in today's marketplace, agents who use new and innovative, non-traditional marketing approaches are the ones who are getting more homes sold fast and for top dollar.
Buyers are Out There...And They Will Come!
Before You Put Your Home Back on the Market remember:Why Nobody Bought Your WNY House -- And What To Do About It?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Recent Real Estate Questions received
Hi Mark,what is title insurance and what's the purpose in having it?
Answer: By Mark Key
The birth of title insurance
It began in 1868. In Philadelphia, a land sale showed the necessity of having more protection than the examination of public records would provide. Before the sale, a title search disclosed an old judgment against the land. But the buyer's attorney advised that it was not a valid lien, and the sale was completed.
Shortly afterward, however, the lien was allowed by the court, and the property was sold at a sheriff's sale. As a result of the loss, real estate attorneys decided to do something to protect innocent investors. They created title insurance, and before long it was used all over the U.S.
Thanks for the challenging question Tom I had to do my research. If you have a challenging question for me please feel free to ask at the bottom of the page and start a discussion or ask like Tom did in the QandA BOX at the top of the page and I'LL only post the question if you give me permission.
Mark Key
Recent Real Estate Questions received
Friday, March 25, 2011
What is the best month to sell My WNY Home?
Those times of year the inventory skyrockets.....why not get on the market a little earlier so you are not competing with so much more inventory because everyone wants to list March 1st.....
when buyers can time their moves they do often try to do so around the school calendar so that they do not have their children change schools in the middle of the school year. This is why many sellers wait until spring or summer to list their home. True this can create a greater supply (and more competition for a seller).
When you contact agents to come by and provide you with a market analysis - ask them to give you stats for sales in your area by month over the past few years. This may help you identify a trend. Also ask about average days on market for homes listed in March vs. those listed in Sept. This may also help you pinpoint a listing time that you are comfortable with!
To conclude the most accurate answer is that it depends on where you live. There are many considerations that factor into when the best time is to put YOUR home on the market.
Neighborhood, price range and; the time-frame you have that you need to be out of a house are just a few of the important criteria you need to consider for when is the best time to put your home on the market.
If you would like help in determining what the best time is for you, feel free to get a true assessment of your home get a FREE Home Value. I'll be happy to help you assess your situation with no obligation or charge.
Mark Key
Realty Edge INC
What is the best month to sell My WNY Home?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Combining all the key ingredients together to get your WNY Home sold!
Combining all the key ingredients together to get your WNY Home sold!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I have No hardship Can I still do A WNY Short Sale?
1. Loss of job
2. Divorce
3. Job relocation 50 miles or more
4. Significantly reduced wages (must be documented).
Quitting a job
Leaving a job to stay at home and care for children
Voluntary reduction in hours worked, reducing pay
Seasonal layoff from a job
Quitting a job to go back to school
Technically, being upside down or undervalued is NOT accepted as a hardship by lenders. And regardless of what you say in the hardship letter, they will review your tax returns, bank statements, pay stubs, and credit report. If they determine that you can afford the mortgage, then the short sale will be declined.
I have No hardship Can I still do A WNY Short Sale?
Monday, March 21, 2011
No For Sale Sign Please! So How Will I get Exposure for my WNY Home?
No For Sale Sign Please! So How Will I get Exposure for my WNY Home?
Friday, March 18, 2011
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Make While Trying To Sell There WNY Home
- John Heywood, sixteenth-century English poet
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Make While Trying To Sell There WNY Home
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Buying Your WNY Home Online
There might be restrictions that are not specified on the auction site. There would be nothing worse than buying the property for your dream home and then discovering that you cannot have utilities.
Another potential hazard to buying your home online is not knowing anything about the area my client didn’t live in the WNY area so she had no clue of what she was getting into It would be well worth your time to do some investigating. Is the property in an area that is prone to flooding? Is the property accessible by car? These are things that the seller might not mention in their ad
Also, it is easy to become a victim of online fraud. There is really no way to regulate the online auctions. The auction companies have their own guidelines in place to circumvent illegal activity, but with the high volumes of online business activity every day, it is hard to police every transaction.
The government may eventually step in and try to pass laws that will protect online consumers. Time will only tell, so until then you have to keep your guard up.
On the positive side of buying a home online, it is important to note that online auctions are not legally binding. The companies are not actually licensed to sell real estate; therefore, they are not true auction houses.
The service that they offer is advertising to potential buyers. It gives buyers and sellers the opportunity to communicate with one another online and work out a legally binding contract after bidding ends.
When placing an eBay bid online, you should be aware that there are two types of bids: "Binding" and "non-binding". The term binding is not entirely accurate because it does not result in a legally binding contract.
A Binding real estate auction means that you have placed a bid with intent to buy. If you don't live up to your end of the transaction, you will receive negative feedback. It won't result in legal problems, but it can hurt your business potential on EBay.
Everyone looks at the feedback and most people won't do business with someone if they have a lot of negative feedback. A non-binding bid simply means that you cannot receive negative feedback if you fail to complete the transaction. My client did complete the transaction and went all the way to closing but in the end she wasn’t happy.
Always take the time to review the auction companies' policies and procedures. There should be a link to them on the main page. If you have trouble locating them, contact the company directly.
You should be able to email them any questions that you may have and they should respond to your inquiries quickly. Try to talk to people that have a lot of experience with doing business online.
It seems like just about everyone has some experience with online auctions. They may have some horror stories, but don't let that discourage you. You can learn a lot from the mistakes of others my client has learned a lot, now will she buy a house online again? Hmmm That remains to be seen.
Now if you prefer reading to chatting, there are also several books about the subject. Visit the technology section of your favorite bookstore and you are bound to see a possible resource.
Take all of the advice and use common sense when entering into an online real estate deal. You will emerge as the winner and have a fabulous home to show for it. Don’t forget to do your research as I had to before purchasing a home online.
Buying Your WNY Home Online
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Understanding How Much WNY Home You Can Afford!
If I can be of any assistance to you in helping you purchase your new home or help you find a lender to help make your dreams a reality please feel free to contact me direct.
Mark Key
Realty Edge INC
Understanding How Much WNY Home You Can Afford!