Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good To know Wednesdays’

for the little ones!
1.     As you travel on the plane or in the car, bring your favorite stuffed animal to keep you company.

2.  Remember a night light or a flashlight for the hotel room.

3.  Make sure you pack your bedtime stories.

4.    Bring a small bag of toys, games, coloring books and crayons, maybe even a puzzle to keep you busy while Mom and Dad help the packers unload the van at your new house.

5.    When the movers pack your belongings, have them label the boxes with your name so you'll know where your special things are.

6.    Have Mom or Dad take pictures of your best friends and take these photos with you to your new home. This will help you from being lonely until you make new friends in your neighborhood.

7.    Give your pets some hugs and take good care of them during the move. Reassure them that they'll like your new house!

8. Tell your friends you are moving and get their addresses and their phone numbers so you can write to them or call them.

9.    Don't forget to say goodbye to your teachers. Let them know you learned a lot from them.

10. Remember moving is an adventure! Put on a happy face - everyone wants you to love your new home and neighborhood!

If you have anything to add to this checklist please leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

Mark Key


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