Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Staging Your WNY Home

Home Staging
                             You’re Best Selling Strategy!

With hundreds of homes on the market and 80% of buyers previewing homes on the internet, having your home stand out from the competition has never been more important.  If a home doesn't catch a buyer's attention immediately, they will simply move on to the next house.  So how can you get buyer's to stop and take notice?  Home Staging is your Solution!

Statistics prove, homes that are staged sell for up to 15% more and
2 times faster than non- staged homes!

What is Home Staging?

Home staging is a strategic way of preparing a house for sale.  Using proven staging techniques and the sellers existing furnishings, staging showcases a home and creates a look and feel buyers are attracted to!

Why Does Home Staging Work?

Buying a home is a combination of logic and emotion.  Typically, buyers start house hunting with a list of criteria they want in a home.  However, it's their emotions that take over when they have found the perfect home!  Home staging works by creating a series of great impressions that grabs a buyer’s attention and gets them excited about a home!

Why Hire a Professional Home Stager?

Many sellers attempt to stage their home on their own, but are often unsuccessful for several reasons.  The most common problem is that sellers are emotionally attached to their home.  Understandably, this attachment interferes with their ability to look at their home objectively and see it the way potential buyers will.  Hiring a professional home stager not only gives you unbiased, professional feedback, but also provides solutions on how to effectively showcase your home!

Price your home right it will be shown.....
                               .....  Stage your home effectively it will be

                                         Can You Afford Not to Stage?

Mark Key believes in getting the most for your WNY Home that’s why he partnered with a home stager to insure his clients are getting the most for their WNY home. Visit www.keyinteriorsbyshinay.com

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